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Licuado De Banana Y Kiwi Con Leche

Smoothies are an excellent way to boost your intake of essential nutrients and keep your body healthy. If you are looking for a tasty and nutritious smoothie recipe, you should try making a Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche. This smoothie is not only delicious, but also packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help you maintain good health. In this article, we will explain how to make this fantastic smoothie and explore the health benefits of its ingredients.

What is Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche?

Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche is a smoothie made with banana, kiwi, and milk. This smoothie is a popular breakfast or snack in many Latin American countries, including Mexico, where it is often sold in street markets and food stalls. The recipe is simple, wholesome, and delicious, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking for a healthy and satisfying drink.

To make a Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 ripe banana, sliced
  • 1 ripe kiwi, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup of milk (you can use regular milk, almond milk, or any other type of milk you prefer)
  • 1 tsp of honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • A handful of ice cubes

How to Make Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche

Making Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche is very easy. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Place the sliced banana and kiwi in a blender.
  2. Add the milk, honey or maple syrup (if using), and ice cubes.
  3. Blend until smooth and creamy.
  4. Pour the smoothie into a tall glass.
  5. Enjoy!

That's it! In just a few minutes, you can have a delicious and nutritious smoothie that will give you the energy and nutrients you need to start your day or keep you going in the afternoon.

If you want to make your Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche even more delicious, you can add some toppings or variations. Here are some ideas:

  • Sprinkle some chopped nuts or seeds on top of your smoothie for extra crunch and protein.
  • Add some vanilla extract or cinnamon to your smoothie for a warm and cozy flavor.
  • Use frozen banana and kiwi instead of fresh ones for a thicker and more refreshing smoothie.
  • Mix in some yogurt or protein powder to make your smoothie even more filling and nutritious.

The Health Benefits of Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche

Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche is not only delicious, but also packed with essential nutrients that can benefit your health in many ways. Here are some of the health benefits of the ingredients in this smoothie:


Bananas are an excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. Eating bananas can help you maintain healthy digestion, lower your risk of heart disease, and regulate your blood pressure. Bananas are also rich in antioxidants that can protect your cells from damage and slow down the aging process.



Kiwis are a low-calorie fruit that are high in fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. Kiwis have been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and lower risk of heart disease. Kiwis are also rich in antioxidants that can protect your body against oxidative stress and damage.



Milk is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, and protein. Drinking milk can help you maintain strong bones and teeth, support your immune system, and build and repair your muscles. Milk is also rich in nutrients that can help you lower your risk of chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease.


Honey or Maple Syrup

Honey and maple syrup are natural sweeteners that can add flavor and nutrition to your smoothie. Honey and maple syrup are both rich in antioxidants and can help you fight inflammation and boost your immune system. However, it is essential to use these sweeteners in moderation, as they are high in calories and can spike your blood glucose levels.

Honey And Maple Syrup


Licuado de Banana y Kiwi con Leche is a delicious and healthy smoothie that you can enjoy anytime. This smoothie is easy to make, packed with essential nutrients, and perfect for anyone looking for a quick and satisfying drink. By adding this smoothie to your diet, you can boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and maintain good health. So why not give it a try today?

Related video of Licuado De Banana Y Kiwi Con Leche: A Delicious and Healthy Smoothie Recipe